Taking after his brother

Yesterday, Caleb was pushing his lawn mower in the driveway and fell over a cement bump. He fell pretty hard, but thankfully did not have to go to the ER. He looks a little worse than Joshua because he has two big wounds, one above his eye on his forehead and one below his eye. Kinda reminds me of Rocky Balboa! Anyway, here is a couple pictures of Caleb from yesterday and a couple of Joshua with his healing wound (the scratch on his forehead above his eye). To the grandparents ahead of time - I already gave him a huge kiss from you and told them how much you loved him, just like Joshua!


Anonymous said…
wow, your boys are full fledged boys!!! i need to start preparing for many accidents with mine on the way! :-)
ps - did john tell you that caleb rode josie's indoor bike down our flight of stairs at josh's graduation party? the whole place just froze and got quiet...it was priceless! yep, he's ALL boy!!!! :-)
Anonymous said…
Hey sweety, your going to have your hands full....Wait til Jonathan can participate....Good Luck, My thoughts are with you....FIX THE DRIVE WAY Grandpa Phil

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