A New Unwanted Visitor

So Monday night John was cutting the grass and we noticed evidence of another bad visitor to our yard. I really do love my yard, but it is becoming a little too "country" for me! The evidence this time...about 3 or 4 piles of brown dirt in a line. I went ahead and did my normal investigation steps and typed "piles of dirt in my yard" in the Google search bar. Yep, you guessed it, moles! The Hanson's have always hated moles, no not the kind we have in our yard, but the ones all over our bodies. I think every child so far has inherited this gene from John or I as well as freckles (especially Ashlyn). Now we have added this kind of mole to our list. So I called pest control to come and trap our unfriendly mole and it is crazy how much that costs...so we are going to talk to a person John knows through work to see what to do. Any tips on how to mudjack this one away?? Advice is always welcome!


Melanie said…
We had moles last summer too! We had quite a time getting rid of them... we hired a company (Mole In One - how cute is that?) to come out and set traps. They would come and reset and "clean" them once a week. It was really expensive, but it worked (knock on wood!). Good luck with it!!
Anonymous said…
Buy traps and a solar powered mole repeller at Harbor Freight for probably cheaper than 1 months services with an extermination company.
Anonymous said…
my husband says to treat for grubs because moles eat grubs so you most likely have grubs too. we had them this summer as well and just treated them. sams sells a grub control for $15.00. if that doesn't work for the moles then i guess you'll have to pay more for mole control...uck!!! you poor thing!

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