Science Fair 2014

 Joshua was able to participate in the FCA 2014 Science Fair with his home school group.  He entered the FCA Science Fair in Kindergarten when he went there, and did really well.  He went in with high expectations this year.  He decided to do a taste test study on Kansas City made BBQ sauce. He decided that the sauce with the most sugar content would win as the most popular.  His results proved that.  He tested most of our Maids along with our family.  Here is a picture of his taste testing sign and the score sheet for the fair.
Joshua along with four other home schoolers in our co-op entered the fair. His is on the far left end.
A big part of the fair is the presentation to the judges. Joshua knew 2 of the 3 judges very well so that made it a little harder. But he survived, and in the end won a blue First Place ribbon. He was very excited!!

Just so you know...Biggs BBQ sauce is the most popular sauce in our study! Now come visit and give them all a try.


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