Moving in a Month

We opened our Maids doors in early 2004.  The first doors we opened were on a retail strip in North Kansas City, hoping for good advertisement in a shopping area.  We ended up with a lot of parking tickets (2 hour parking outside our store), a big rent fee for the area/exposure, a huge open, empty store area with 2 small desks sitting in it, and the realization right away that we should have picked a warehouse location from the start.

So after that lease was up, we moved farther down the road in North KC (most central place to the areas we go out and clean each day) to a small warehouse with a single car garage.  We actually could push 2 cars in which was great since we had doubled in size since we opened.  The office area was much more spacious and worked well for a sales person, financial person, and field mgr.  But we out grew that space quicker than the other.

The place we are in now seemed huge when we moved in.  There was an open area for a break room, 5 offices, 2 bathrooms, and a garage big enough to hold 8 cars.  We were excited!  Well, once again, we have out grown this space.  The lack of employee parking and the need for a bigger breakroom is the driver for the move this time.  We have found a place about 10 blocks away from our current place and are looking forward to it alot!

This building is being completely renoovated to our specifications.  We worked with an architect on the layout and size of rooms, etc.  We even picked carpet, tile, and paint.  The location is close to the railroad and river, which is a little disappointing, but better for the price.  We signed a 5 year lease and hope to not outgrow it in that time.  We get to move in at the begininng of March! 

The really cool exciting thing about this move - I will be getting an "office" at this location.  Actually, John and I will share one, but I will have an actual space.  Which means, I will begin working again.  It has been 10 great years staying home full time!  I will be working part time at the beginning at least 3 days a week and then move to mostly full-time at the end of the summer.  Please pray as John and I begin this new adventure together.  We will be making some changes to the business when we move that we are excited about and nervous about.  We are complete opposites, which John says is a huge plus while we take this first step nervously. We hope to continue to profit in this franchise and grow, as well as organize things more efficiently, improve our work culture, and add new processes to our business. I will post pics of the new place as soon as I take them :)


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