100 Paws = Golden Paw

Jonathan's school has an incentive program that we kinda like.  They are the Line Creek Lions and they can earn a paw for doing different things.  If they use manners, help someone else, share something, etc that is out of the ordinary or someone sees something they do that is worthy of a paw, they receive one.  They collect them throughout the year.  After so many, they can get different prizes.  So Jonathan has got to wear pjs to school for 10 paws, wore a sports hat, even have lunch with his teacher, etc as different rewards.  This week, he reached 100 paws.  So he gets his pic on the big board out front by the office.  Caleb remembered when he got his Golden Paw and it was neat to hear them talk about the kind things they have been doing.  Here are a couple pics of his paw...


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