Our new Maids Billboard

This past year, John has started advertising on billboards around KC.  They rotate around town so the first one was near downtown for about a month.  This month, it was moved in the Northland pretty close to our house. We were excited to drive by it and get a picture on Friday night while we were on a dinner date.  There was a funny story to share about taking this picture...

The billboard is a newer digital one, that actually rotates between 3 businesses.  So depending on how slow you are driving when you drive past it, you may only see 2 of the 3 businesses.  Well when we entered the interstate where the billboard is, we noticed it was on the first business.  So John slowed down quite a bit so I could get the picture when it was rotated to the Maids ad.  Because he slowed down quite a bit, he turned his flashers on and stayed in the slow lane while I had my camera ready.  Keep in mind this is a 3 lane interstate and cars go a little faster through this part because of an on ramp we had just gotten off of.  So anyway, the board slowly went through the first 2 and made it to the Maids before we were passing the sign.  I clicked the picture, smiled and we started to speed up.  John turned his flashers off and proceeded to the exit where we were getting off.  A few minutes later, the car that was behind us while we were taking the picture, passed us on the left, moved in front of us, and began to slow down quickly.  He then put his flashers on and kept driving slowly.  We weren't sure if he was mad at us or just making fun of us for what we had done.  He proceeded to get of the interstate right after that.  But we were both laughing pretty hard as we drove past him as he exited!

For our KC readers, our billboard is on I-29 South near the AMC Theatre, right after the Zona Rosa on-ramp.  I think it will be there for a couple more weeks before it turns off and a new one goes up near Lee's Summit.  Let us know if you see it :)


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