The Maids Makeover

While Gary and Sue are retired in AZ for 3 months (winter hibernation), I have had the opportunity to get more involved with our family business.  Gary printed weekly invoices and financial statements and in his absence, I have begin doing that an hour or 2 a week.  He was also responsible for ordering cleaning supplies, vacuum parts, and shopping at Sam's weekly for our Maids breakfast items (yes, we provide pastries, cereals, oatmeal, and waffles for our teams before they go out and clean every morning).  So I have also taken over those job responsibilities each Wed at Sam's.

So while I began my new "job" a few weeks ago, I found a few things that could be re-organized and improved to make my new job easier. I began by completely re-organizing the inventory garage where all of the supplies are located. Bought new shelves, labeled everything and got re-stocked on everything. I also moved anything that was not cloths or inventory to an attic storage area. That room needed a makeover too. Then I moved on to Gary's office that he shares with a part-time employee as well as a vacuum repair friend.

I wish I took some before pictures.  Picture one white wall of paneling and 3 dark brown walls of paneling.  Then picture a chipped built in table with tons of books, stacks of papers, and misc office supplies on it.  A printer on the floor along with a black shelf with vacuum supplies, a huge vacuum repair table, a big office desk and misc vacuum parts all around the room. Oh, the big electrical box for the entire office is in this room that takes up half of the back wall.  There was a little walk way to the desk in front of the shelf of supplies. Overall, picture a gloomy catch all kind of space where vacuums get fixed and Gary enjoyed listening to talk radio most of the morning.

Thankfully when I went down to start this project this weekend, James (our friend and vacuum repair Maid) was there working on vacuums.  He spent some time organizing his supplies and moving items into our new "vacuum supply" closet in the inventory room.  I moved his huge work table in that closet too which hold fixed vacuums and extra parts the teams need each week.  John helped clear off the chipped built in table and out came the rest of the furniture/trash/mess.  I painted the paneling a sage green color  and moved the desk right in front of the office door.  Because we took out the ugly work table, I was able to paint the built in table and use it for 2 sitting areas - one for the vacuum repair and one for an extra desk for someone (possibly a marketing intern John is looking for).  I sewed some curtains to cover up the ugly electrical box and make a pretend window. I am using that same fabric to make two 20x20 canvas pictures to hang above the desk...I finished one today (pics to come soon).  I also bought 2 lamps at Gordman's clearanced for $14 each to help with lighting. The paint color doesn't show well on here because the lamps are on, but it is much brighter than the brown paneling before.  Here is a sneak peek before the pictures are hung on the main wall behind the desk...

Those who knew what it looked like before will be most impressed. Sorry again for not taking the before picture for you :)


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