First full week

This was our first full week of school for our crew. Homework was very light on Tues and Thurs when they are home with me so it is hard to know what next week will hold...

Caleb LOVES his new school and has made some new friends already. We should start speech next week at NKC too.

John is sick today and yesterday with a really bad sinus thing. He is teaching 10th grade Worldview and 8th grade Geography/Church History this year at FCA. I think he is liking both classes, but can't believe he is already sick. We're just hoping the rest of us stay clear of it.

I am starting to have a little more website work requests. I have been doing this as a ministry for 5 years and only had a couple paying customers. This year, I have started a new client base that is spreading the word quickly. So I am excited to begin a new small business venture finally this year - Hanson Crew Design. I am currently working on a website and new business cards for it in between other projects. I will keep you posted once that is up and running. I have also been planning a couple big women's events for my church which actually keeps me a little busier than I hoped. But I enjoy that work too.

Sorry for the lack in blog posts again this week. Getting into the swing of our new schedule took priority again this week.


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