Lifelight 2011 fun

We really enjoyed our first family camp out this weekend. We drove about 1 1/2 hours to Bethany, MO for a Lifelight festival. This was a family festival advertised on a Christian radio station we listen to here. We had to pay $50 for a campsite for 2 nights and were able to enjoy free swimming at a pool with a water slide, paddle boats, canoes, fish, listen to live Christian music all day/night Friday and Saturday, as well as enjoy camping for the first time together.

We got there around noon on Friday to set up camp. We cooked out for lunch and hit the pool and water slide. Then we all went paddle boating (3 per boat) and then tried canoeing. Sorry I did not bring my camera to either of these fun activities. Then we hurried to a live concert where Jonathan and Caleb won a free CD. We met up with our friends, the McKinzies to get their tent setup by ours and cooked dinner. Then we all went back to the main stage for a night concert by Sanctus Real. We all crawled into bed and awoke to some rain and wind. We noticed not too long after that we had a broken pole tent. Our tent began to fill up with water quickly because it had tilted over on one whole side and it was pouring. So we packed up the car with everything in the pouring rain. The McKinzie's new tent did wonderfully in the storm.

We weren't sure how long the rain was going to last so we decided to drive on home. We were able to make it to Joshua's Sat baseball game, which turned out to be the best one yet! Now we are working on drying all of our stuff and unpacking. We are hoping to buy a new tent and try another family camp out soon at Smithville Lake. It was a really fun trip! We are sure the kids will remember it all, especially the running, yelling, and throwing everything in the cars wearing soaking pajamas part!


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