Learning all the parts of his name

Here is a cute video of Jonathan. Sorry it is sideways. We have been working on learning different parts of his name. He really does know his first name, even though it does not appear that way in the video. We called this video, Grandpa Gary's Influence. You'll see why at the end. Enjoy!


ha ha...did he say trouble at the end?! That does sound like Grandpa Gary!
Catherine said…
Love it! Very cute & WOW has he grown from when I first met you guys - he was just a little tiny guy!! Time flies... Catherine
Hanson Crew said…
Carol - yes, that is what we were trying to get on film - the part where he says "trouble" is his middle name. We didn't know he would struggle so much with the first 2 questions.

You would be shocked how big he has gotten - he speaks so well! His personality is so funny too. We need to still have you and your husband over someday...we still have not heard about John's audit. I'll keep you posted.

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