Sadly, the couple in front of us at church can answer yes. Here is the story: Last Wed evening, our crew went to our Mid-week service at our church. The Monday before that, we left Joshua's lunch box in our carpool's car after school. So they brought it to us at church. When worship started, Jonathan and Caleb took their Crocs off. I am not sure why, but they stood to sing without shoes on. After about 3 minutes (a little longer than normal), both boys were climbing on their chairs and not standing still. So they both were moved from the end of the row by Joshua over by us. Right before worship was over, Caleb wanted his shoes on. Joshua passed them down to him with a small smile on his face. I wasn't sure at that point why he was smiling. About a minute later, I see Caleb get really upset and quickly lunge some white, yellow and brown thing toward Joshua. Unfortunately, Caleb has horrible aim right now and I saw two pieces of whatever he threw, hit the man in fr...