Top 5 Reasons to live in Kansas City

Sorry we have become such bad bloggers....we promise to get back on track once our house is all unpacked. We are getting down to our last boxes this week. We are still painting like crazy in hopes that we will finish it all before school starts on the 17th and we can adjust to our new Fall schedule without any additional house projects....

On that note, we have noticed a few small perks about living in KC city limits lately (even though there are many cons too - I will try to stay positive) that I thought I would share.

1. They have a Paint Program! Which means the city will provide you with exterior paint if you fall in the income requirements - looks like we do and we are going to take advantage of this in the fall (thanks for letting us know about this Greg!)

2. No more trash fees - we used to pay about $15 in Kearney for this service and here it is free - but you can only have 2 bags of trash a week...we are using REALLY big Contractor bags that are about the size of me when they are filled...John thinks that is pretty funny each week when he carries them to the curb and says "here's your 2 bags!" - but I think it is awesome that it is FREE. The kids are enjoying to recycle too - I won't say what John thinks about that, but we are sure thankful to the seller for the cool can crusher he left in the garage...looks like I am going to drink pop again!

3. Friendly diverse people...maybe I just never realized it before, but Kearney folks are really alot alike. There are so many other people here in KC and it has been neat to meet a few of them lately!

4. The shopping here is incredible! The other day I went to 5 different stores in about 2 hours. That usually would fill up my whole day. And it didn't even take a quarter of a tank of gas! And they have some pretty good deals too. The good Craigslist spots are alot closer too....we were about to get some really neat stuff this past week with some gift money we got (pics to come soon)...

5. It's just a little more cool now to right an actual KC address...maybe the paint fumes are getting to me, but it just feels a little more Midwest to me! I better get some rest before I need to paint again. Good night!


Pilgrim said…
Five friendly counter-points:

- 1% earnings tax.

- Depression-, dependence-, and debilitation-perpetuating social "welfare" racketeering.

- Dilapidated infrastructure.

- Liberal (and unconstitutional) use of "eminent domain" to grab land and increase tax revenue.

- "Stuck on stupid," race-baiting community leaders.

Welcome to Kansas City! ;-)
Hanson Crew said…
Ha! That's funny - those were pretty much my cons I was talking about...John could go on and on and on about all those same things!

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