Hidden Treasure
Craigslist Junkie (n.): a person who sits for hours on the craigslist website, refreshing the "Free" and "Items for Sale" lists to see what new things pop up. Then minutes after they appear, emails or calls the person for immediate pickup. This person will sometimes drive an hour to pick up the really inexpensive or free item once he or she has permission to come get it. The hunt for that great deal or item can sometimes keep that person always on the hunt at thrift stores, sale ads, clearance isles, and online.
Some rewards of being a junkie:
An awesome brand-new looking pub table. Solid wood with counter height seating for 4 - $50
Some rewards of being a junkie:
An awesome brand-new looking pub table. Solid wood with counter height seating for 4 - $50
A great 3 shelf potterybarn looking bookshelf - only needing a little paint and a couple wicker baskets - $20
Free wicker 3-shelf stand, complete with 3 lined square baskets - only needing some spray paint - Free
Next mission - free or under $50 couch in need of a slipcover...we'll keep you posted!