The peer pressure of the internet

So I have been invited about 5 times to join Facebook this past year and it seems lately most of my adult friends are joining. I have been afraid to join, not because of the crazy psychos out there, but because I know the time I would lose once I joined. I keep going back and forth and am driving John crazy using his account all the time to email friends I haven't talked to for awhile. He keeps telling me to get my own account. He joined last year because his youth Sunday School Class was all on there and it was better for them to discuss and email through Facebook. He is just now using it to re-connect with other people or talk back and forth with KC friends here (he no longer teaches the youth at church). When my friend Sara joined she said her inbox was full of friend requests and how crazy it was to get requests from people she never really talked to back in high school. Is it rude to just decline those people or is the "cool" thing to just have a bunch of friends (some of who you don't really talk to). Most of my close high school friends are on there (now all friends with John, most of whom I have lost contact with) and now a bunch of my friends from church here. Blogging takes what little time I have during nap times or school breaks and I don't want to stop doing this so I am still on the fence. I might try joining and just not update it much? What is everyones thoughts on networking sites? Time? How much info to share? Is it all a popularity contest or a real way to re-connect? Please help me decide...


A said…
I don't think it is something that you really have to update every day or even weekly. I get on once a day, at night after the kids are in bed...sometimes once during naptime. The only thing I really do on facebook is look at peoples pictures of their family and kiddos. I still use my personal email unless I know someone checks their facebook more often then their personal email. I know there are different things that people will "send" you that I totally don't understand so I usually ignore those. I also don't accept every invite I get, especially because of my husbands job. He also will not allow me to post any pictures of him on it. I don't share any information that my good friends don't already know. You do get reconnected with lots of people from the past and frankly I'm just not comfortable with everyone I "accept" as a friend knowing all my business. So, it may be snotty, but I view it as a way to protect my family while still kind of using it to reconnect and as a "mission" for Christ to friends. Al Mohler has a good post about it on his blog. Just don't neglect the speaking face to face, it should NOT become an idol, etc etc. If you find yourself spending "too much time" then you should have some accountability or get off all together.

I don't see it as a popularity contest but others may. I think it's just the way each person views it themselves. Everyone will view it differently.

SO I have rambled....does that make sense???

I personally am already bored with it. I check it everyday but there are a lot of people on facebook who frankly I have no desire to speak to. I have seen several people who have over 200 friends but don't talk to them so I am really starting to see that it is a huge popularity contest!! People I remember who used to make front of or stick there nose in the error are now friends. How stupid is that!! I have only reunited with 2 people but we still don't talk everyday!! I personally think facebook is for people who think they are reuniting or think they are friends with but really are not!!! Sorry!! I would much rather read your blog!! I think faceboo takes a lot of time to comment and find friends you TRULY want to be friends with!!! You know I speak only the truth and this is how I really feel!!!!
A said…
I do agree with that! That it is odd to me some people that are on each others lists. BUT, I do have to give them the benefit of the doubt that maybe they somehow reunited somewhere along the way?? None of my business though.

I'm more of a blog person as well! I'd rather read blogs than go on facebook personally. It's all a personal chioce.
I guess my experience is a little different. I have been having a really good time with facebook. Not only have I reconnected with people that I actually did miss I have been able to find friends that live closer to me and now actually hang out with, even gone on vacation with. I have also been able to heal old wounds with people who when we parted ways it wasn't on good terms and I feel that has been a good experience.
Also my family who is terrible about calling and emailing and never rememeber my blog address having been using facebook to keep in contact.
I do agree that I a lot of people seem to try and get as many friends as possible and drive everyone nuts with the different applications they send to others but I don't do anything that. I like to update and write hellos to people. My favorite thing is to see how the kids I went to high school with and other family members and see thier families and children. Blogs are great and I love mine but a lot of people find them too time consuming and blogger has been driving me nuts lately with loading picture problems.
All in all I find it a positive experience and the minute it stops being that I will delete my account.
Anonymous said…
Velma's brother signed up for a facebook page and I tried to get hooked up with him a couple of times and I got to talk with him those times...I think E-mail is just as good as facebook...I read the comments on your blog and Adrienne and your friend were both right, its mostly for people who want to reconnect and stay in touch easier then waiting for an answer from that person...I personally like the idea of video cams...I think It would be like talking to a person face to face and not having to type....It's only my thought...Phil
Hanson Crew said…
Thanks guys - I think I am going to give it a try and not update it alot. It would be neat to reconnect with a few people I don't talk to anymore. And I think I will use discretion like Allison said. And my web cam is on it's way Phil...we will be able to give it a try soon :) I'm with Anna, I'll delete it as soon as I don't like it.
A said…
I'm with Anna too! :)
Facebook should pay me! J/K
Jamie said…
I really like FB and have been able to be reaquainted with some friends from HS, College, work, and such. It also easier to stay in touch with friends from church and family that live far away. Oh, when you upload pictures, you can choose who is able to view them. I always make sure only my friends can see my pictures, not everyone! I do not see it as a popularity contest. I did not send friend requests to everyone from HS, only those who I really wanted to talk to again. And you can spend as much or as little time on it as you want. I'd say give it a try. I'll be your friend if you want! Funny thing: when I first joined, Frank added some of his friends to my acct., so I decided to set him up his own acct. He said fine, but that he'd never use it! He doesn't use it often, but he does like staying in contact with old college buddies and work colleagues. It is great for networking, too, not just socializing.
Pilgrim said…
I'm going to hang on to my social networking Ludditery as long as I can.

So is this guy.
Al said…
I had it for a week, then deactivated it because I didn't want to be put in contact with some people, even though I don't have to accept them as friends, I just didn't like being available. You'll do the right thing, I know.

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