Family Treasure Hunt

We are a family who tends to lose things easily...the basics, like movies, shoes, favorite animals, even books. We typically look for something a couple days and it turns up. So this weekend we had a small hunt for an important treasure - GOLD! Yep, John's new wedding ring he got for our 10 year anniversary came up missing. John was certain he went to bed with it and someone came in and took it in the middle of the night. The kids were told that they could do anything they wanted (with a limit) if they could find the ring. Of course, they looked for a long time - but soon gave up and decided it was gone. The good news, we found our Prince Caspian DVD which has been missing for about a month. We found the baby blanket which was missing for a couple hours, but no gold! Finally, last night after I re-arranged the entire office/school room (I was convinced that's where it was) we took apart our queen size bed and found it behind the headboard! What a hunt! Usually John's rings are too small for his fingers, but this one might be getting a little lose on his shrinking fingers....another day at that Hanson Crew's house to remember. What will our next hunt be for? Hopefully Easter eggs (if we can make it that long!)


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