A Christmas Village story...

Once upon a time there was a peaceful Gingerbread village that stood in a small town in the Midwest. There was a house, church, school and a library. Everyone who lived in the village loved to learn, read, study, and sleep. The smell from the village was sweet and calm and visitors who came by in November and December would comment how wonderful the village was built and how the 4 little construction workers did so well.
Once cold and windy day, a vicious tornado came through the village and 3 of the buildings were torn apart. The books were lost and the roof became snacks for the big tornado. Some of the buildings were no longer hooked to its foundation and pieces were spread among the town. The children who lived there would have to find a new home so the demolition of the village could begin. Reconstruction to begin Nov 2009!


Nancy Mosley said…
This is too cute and funny. I know if it had been at my house - Joel would have been our little tornado probably. :-)

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