A tag..."Me and My Hubby"

I was tagged by my friend Jamie and enjoyed her answers so thought I would play too ... so here goes nothing...

How long have you been together? 11 years together, married for 9 1/2

How long did you date? Feb 1997 to August 1998 (about a 1 1/2 years)

How old is he? 30 1/2

Who eats more? Probably me since he is always saying "I haven't eaten anything today!"

Who said "I love you" first? I think him (in a letter)

Who is taller? He is about 6 inches taller than me

Who is smarter? Usually John, but I try to remind him that I am smart too :)

Who does the laundry? Me

Who does the dishes? Me (and sometimes Ashlyn now)

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed, he does

Who pays the bills? Our online bank (we should probably check how that's going...)

Who mows the lawn? We take turns

Who cooks dinner? Mostly John (He does 4-5 days and I do 2-3 days) - He enjoys it and I really don't

Who is more stubborn? Usually me, but he tries to remind me that he is too!

Who kissed who first? I think it was awkwardly both of us

Who asked who out? He did

Who proposed? He did in romantic Breckenridge Colorado

Who is more sensitive? Definitely me

Who has more siblings? Me, I have 2 sisters and he has 1 (not sure why we have mostly boys?)

What were you doing 10 years ago? July 1998, trying to relax right before our wedding, and still attending college

I am going to tag my "A" friends...Alicia, Anna, Adrienne, Alexis and Allison (you can answer in a comment Allison if you like). The others can copy and paste these questions onto your blog...You're it! Go!


Jamie said…
Thanks for playing along! It's fun way to learn a little more about our friends - things we don't usually talk about.
Anonymous said…
okay here i go:

How long have you been together? 5 1/2 years, married for almost 5 years

How long did you date? we courted for 5 weeks...yes, i said weeks :)

How old is he? 42

Who eats more? him at meals...i snack way more

Who said "I love you" first? he did

Who is taller? he is 3 inches taller

Who is smarter? definitely him!!!

Who does the laundry? me

Who does the dishes? me

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? looking at the bed, i do

Who pays the bills? he does, thank goodness

Who mows the lawn? my dad's lawn care business

Who cooks dinner? me. if we grill out, he grills and i do the side dish

Who is more stubborn? i think me, darn it

Who kissed who first? he kissed me but i, of course, kissed him back

Who asked who out? he asked me out

Who proposed? he did at FCC -- very romantic and creative!!!

Who is more sensitive? oh hello, definitely me

Who has more siblings? he does

What were you doing 10 years ago? uck, don't even want to think about it...in college...enough said.

that was fun!!! LOVE YOU!
Hanson Crew said…
Allison - so I haven't heard about this romantic proposal at church - we must talk tomorrow at church!
Anonymous said…
are you serious! it was pretty good! i'll tell ya tonight!

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