So we have lived in Missouri for about 7 years now and been through many "severe weather" warnings. Well, last night was the first time I actually got a little afraid of this kind of warning. It all started with a tornado watch/warning in the evening that produced some hail, rain, and hard winds, but nothing to even consider going to the basement for. We were still planning on having our 2
nd day of our garage sale at a friends house and prepared for the early morning departure time to get there about 7:30. John and I were awoken by huge hail hitting our bedroom glass window (it is missing our screen that has a huge hole in it and I haven't got it fixed yet) at about 2 am. We both jumped up and turned the TV on after we looked outside. Our trees were leaning so far over a couple were touching the ground. The house literally was shaking. We lost power
a few minutes after the TV was on (we saw there were no tornado warnings so went back to bed). The kids didn't actually wake up. I think they were tired from waking at 6:00 yesterday and going to bed so late. I was a pretty scared mommy. I just knew at any moment the siren would go off and there would be a tornado over our house! But it never happened...we have since got our power back on, have cancelled the garage sale, and am feeling so blessed to have our house standing while watching the local news this morning. I can't believe all the damage so close by. We had a street light down across the street and some small branches in our yard, but that is all I can see from the house. I heard some chain saws this morning, but don't know much more than that about Kearney damage. I heard you all in Colorado got 6+ inches of snow yesterday -- isn't this weather crazy!!