More Letterboxing Fun

Wahoo! We did it! Our first successful day of letterboxing 9-8-7! John is a natural! We found the two new boxes we set out to find as well as the one from Thursday we couldn't (yes, I was under the wrong tree!) The kids had a blast and we got tons of exercise in a beautiful state park. Even Jonathan got excited on our hike and Caleb looked adorable carrying the "letterboxing bag" with all our stuff in it (journals, ink pad, stamps). We were so excited to find a hitchhiker bag in one of the boxes today too. This log was started in 2004 on the East Coast and many families have carried it to other locations in different boxes. Our job is to sign the log and put it into a different location for the next person to take. We will post some photos of our day soon and can't wait to do this again, maybe in NE or CO too!

Rebers - it is a lot like geocaching, except easier and free (no equipment necessary). The kids love it because they can do the stamps and love to follow the simple instructions. I highly recommend it - and totally think the dad makes it more fun! We also found another website that didn't have so many missing boxes.


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