A Little Kearney History

We moved to Kearney, Missouri about 4 years ago and have grown to love it's little town charm this past year. This small town is about 30 minutes north of downtown Kansas City and about 10 minutes north of Liberty, MO, where we used to live and still do all our shopping. Kearney is most known for being the birth place for the rebel Jesse James. We actually live off Jesse Street (yes, named after Jesse James) and on Frank Street (Jesse James' brother). Kearney is finishing up a couple weeks of celebration for his birthday on Sept 5th with the Jesse James Festival. We haven't participated much in the BBQ cook off, dances, or carnivals quite yet. We are planning on going to the parade tomorrow and maybe the carnival after that. It is pretty funny to see how excited everyone here gets around this time of the year. Here is a website that explains a little more about the festival and it's history. Brad Pitt is also in a new movie called "The assassination of Jesse James" which will be coming out Sept 21st to theatres. We'll let you all know how the festival and parade go on Sunday. Have a great weekend!


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