3 Days Left!

Sorry in advance that blog has turned into a pregnancy journal lately. It is the best way to relay this info to family out of town. I went to the OB yesterday and since I have not progressed, so I get to go off bedrest on Sunday! I will be 35 weeks done on Sunday and she said their office does not stop labor between 35 and 37 weeks (I will be starting my 36th week then). They do not induce until around 38. So if I have to go back in next week or two, they will let me keep contracting and see if I progress. They will not break my water or give me potossin, until May. Our goal is still the second week in May. I am sure that as soon as I stop all these meds and continue my day as normal, the contractions will slow down on their own! That will be okay with me :) - We are likely to start our "labor tactics" around May 10th or so in case we haven't gone then. It usually takes us about 5 days of these tactics to go into full blown labor. We're excited and a little nervous right now. I keep having weird dreams about the delivery. I don't remember thinking about it this much with the last one. I also keep relying on the idea that this is the last one! I really need to get that started in the 6 weeks after his arrival. We'll keep you posted if anything else changes.


Anonymous said…
YAY!!!!!! it's smooth sailing from here! you done good deanna...and no mag!!!

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