Our 2015 Christmas Letter

This year has sure had it's ups and down.  We started 2015 with the death of Deanna's father, Phil Maestas.  He died unexpectedly at the age of 60 in December of Stage 4 Liver Disease.  Deanna and her younger sister Adrienne were able to go out to Seattle in December to say goodbye before his organs shut down.  She is very thankful for the relationship she had with her dad and so glad he was able to know all 4 of our children.

Soon after that loss, John's mother, Sue Hanson, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer.  We are still in shock by her diagnosis since she doesn't show any huge symptoms yet. She is 64.  Her life expectancy at her diagnosis was 6 months to 2 years and we were told it is terminal.  She has undergone a couple chemo treatments and after months of medical care and research, she is now on a maintenance chemo.  Her tumor has started to grow again, but is stable right now. We have been reminded through these 2 life changing events that relationships and love are so important here on earth.  And that only God knows when we will die.  So we are more thankful for these small moments we have with our family and friends each day.

Speaking of thankfulness, we made a big family decision this year and have been so grateful for the outcome!  We decided to send all four of our children to school full time.  In the past, we have either used a private school that only meets 3 days a week/2 days at home, we have home schooled full time, or we have used a co-op 2 days a week and home schooled the other 3 days. This is the first time ever that all 4 kids are in school all day 5 days a week.  It's been a win-win.  The kids enjoy their schools and the amount of time spent on school work and we (mainly Deanna) have enjoyed spending that school time on other activities.

Ashlyn is a freshman this year at Park Hill High School and has started driving!  We cart a "Permit Driver" sign on the back of our mini-van now.  She is enjoying her Art and Biology class the most this semester and is already talking about what colleges she might want to apply to.  She has made a couple friends at school, but is enjoying her new involvement at Youth Group at our church more.  She is also starting to practice for Girls Soccer that starts in March and attends an FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) club at school.

Joshua is in 6th grade at Plaza Middle School.  His school is entirely 6th graders (which sounds a little scary), but we have really enjoyed it.  He has made a lot of new friends and likes his school rotation.  This is is first year rotating teachers and is really enjoying the expo classes (art, home ec, music, tech ed, etc).  He is one of the top students in his grade and loves to learn new things. He is in a dodgeball intramural after school once a week which he really enjoys too. Of course, cooking is still his favorite activity. Oh, he is getting close to passing Ashlyn and Deanna in height!  Probably in 2016.

Caleb is in his last year of elementary school in 5th grade.  He has really grown up alot this past year.  He still enjoys Math and Science over Reading and Writing, but continues to stay up to speed in those areas now.  He loves being a leader and was chosen for this classroom student council position.  He loves soccer, football, running, and any other activity that doesn't make him sit still.  When he's not doing those things, he is helping us in the yard, helping around the house, or playing with friends. He was able to join John on a Mission trip this November for 10 days to El Salvador.  He LOVED it and hopes to go back again very soon. He also wants to start playing drums since that trip.

Jonathan is in 3rd grade and at the same school as Caleb, Line Creek Elementary.  He loves school and has many friends!  He was selected as one of the 3 third graders over the Student Council this year.  He loves being a leader!  He is learning multiplication and cursive writing this year and has Caleb's former 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Carlson.  She has always been a favorite of mine so we were so excited!! He enjoys having friends play over after school, loves watching YouTube videos of other people playing video games and spending time at home.

John was able to take 2 mission trips this year when he is not busy at The Maids.  He went to North Africa for 3 weeks earlier this year and then El Salvador in November for 10 days.  We are praying about hosting some boys from El Salvador in 2016 and 2017 and look forward to see how these relationships grow.  John continues to run the family business at The Maids after 12 years.  He has hired Deanna part time to help some there as well, which also has it's ups and downs. He is excited about learning Spanish and Arabic more this past year and enjoys Skyping with other language speakers in other parts of the world each week.  He is still a Deacon at our church, on the Mission Board there, and serves as President on a Board of Directors for a recovering men's home at our church.

Deanna has really become fond of our dog, Bear and her new found time she has this school year.  She is able to attend a weekly book group at church, which she LOVES being a part of.  She also is now co-teaching a 5-6 year old Sunday School class with her best friend Lisa.  She helps with other church ministries around the church more often and has worked on improving the church website again this year.  She works occasionally at The Maids and spends a lot of time with Sue, Bear, and her friends.  She also volunteers each month at our school district clothing center and in the classroom at Line Creek. She hopes to go on a mission trip next year and is looking forward to a summer trip with her 2 sisters. She hopes to exercise more in 2016 and work on a couple more house projects if she can budget them in.

We have enjoyed traveling more this year, including a family cruise we took in this summer, and have planned some fun things with John's parents this December.  We are praying for a miracle to happen for Sue and for a full recovery for her in 2016.  Please join us as we pray for her healing.

Please feel free to comment and let us know how you are all doing.  We haven't been blogging as much this year, but plan to start it up again in 2016.  May we all be reminded of the birth of our Savior, Lord Jesus, this season and may you enjoy relationships more in 2016.

With Love,
The Hanson Crew!


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