
Showing posts from 2013

Bringing in 2014!

Our crew brought in the New Year with some good friends from church and work this year!  We played games, had pizza, and a lot of good snacks.  It was a really fun time.  Our prayer for this coming year: To love one another more, be more dilligent in our family worship time each night, devote Wed evenings to family game night, and keep up with our weekly date nights. The kids all want to get in shape this year and go to AZ sometime this year again. We look forward to 2014 and are very excited to say goodbye to 2013!

Happy Birthday John!

John is slowly creeping to 40...Happy Birthday!

Colorado Road Trip

The kids and I decided to take a short road trip to Pueblo, Colorado where I grew up for my grandma's funeral. We drove 10 hours the first day all the way there. We watched tons of movies and took many short breaks at rest stops and gas stations :) We had a little time while we were there to visit important places to our family. Here are a few fun pics we took along the way or when we made it!   Caleb was super excited when we crossed the border! When they saw the mountains, they were in awe!  It was a little funny because we knew they has seen them before (3 years ago), but this time they loved them.  They kept taking pictures and videos of them over and over as we drove by them.. One of our first stops was to see the church where we were married in 1998 in Pueblo.  The kids were so excited to see it in person even though they had seen it in our wedding album. We drove by the duplex where we lived when Ashlyn was born.  We showed her...

Last minute trip to Colorado

We found out a week before Christmas my grandma had died in Colorado.  She was a fun, sweet lady who suffered from Alzheimer's the last 7 years. I hadn't seen her since she got sick, but had some great memories of her growing up.  Because we are on Christmas vacation and we hadn't been back to CO in 3 1/2 years, the kids and I decided to drive out there for the funeral.  I was nervous since I hadn't done the 11 hour drive without John in many years, but packed up the car and prayed for safe travels there and back.  We left the day after Christmas and returned on John's birthday (the 29th).  It was so nice to see my stepdad's side of the family and see my sisters and dad.  We took many pictures while we were driving.  The kids LOVED the mountains this time.  I don't remember them loving them this much 3 years ago.  They also loved the hotel and food we ate while we were there.  Here is a picture of them with their cousins.  My older ...

Merry Christmas from our crew to yours!


School changes in 2014

We have always looked at each child each year to determine what education system we will use that school year.  Ashlyn went to a private school K-5th grade where she went to school MWF, and then was home on Tues/Thurs.  We homeschooled for 6th grade full time and she is currently loving public middle school for 7th grade. Joshua attended the same private school from K through now.  Caleb attended public school for K to help with Speech and then that same private school for 1st and 2nd.  He is now loving the same public school he went to for Kindergarten this year for 3rd grade. He is done with Speech Therapy, but getting a tons of Reading help during and after school because of the delay caused by his Speech impediment.  We started Jonathan at the same public Caleb attended with every intention to send him to the private school like we did for Caleb in 1st grade.  Because he was also receiving Speech Therapy there and because Caleb was going back there ...

Gingerbread Cookies

The kids made homemade ornaments and gingerbread cookies yesterday.  It sure made a mess in our kitchen, but was so fun!  This is what was left this morning.

Christmas Vacation Begins!

Joshua's began Wed at noon. Ashlyn's begins today at 10 am. Jonathan begins at 11:15 am. Caleb begins at 11:15 am. We are a little more than excited around here to sleep in, bake, wrap presents, and have no real schedule for 2 weeks!!!

Line Creek Christmas Programs

 Jonathan and Caleb had their Christmas programs this past week at Line Creek.  They did a great job!  Caleb had a speaking part in his 3rd grade musical as a snowman.  His good friend Mateo was Santa Claus.  We missed FCA's Christmas program with Joshua because he was sick and couldn't get out of bed.  I am also happy to report that we recently bought a digital camcorder and got to film this event.  We are hoping to do that more often this next year...

Mother/Daughter Ornament Exchange

Ashlyn and I hosted a Mother/Daughter Ornament exchange this Saturday morning. We were blessed with pretty snow outside too. We invited her friends and their mothers to a brunch and white elephant exchange. We missed Hope, Faith and Robin, but enjoyed great fellowship and food with Ashlyn's other friends.Here are a few pictures from our fun...

Blog Books Printed

I just received our 2012 blog book in the mail and was so excited to complete our collection!  When 2013 ends, we can print this year, which has been my hope going forward.  We have 2006 to 2012 printed now.  If I ever get free time to scrapbook pre-digital photos again, I have to finish 2002-2005.  I am most excited for the kids to enjoy looking at them.  They love them so far and laugh at old stories...Feel free to look over older posts by clicking on the year in the right column below under "Blog Archive". 

Caleb being Caleb


Joshua's First Turkey

Joshua made his very own turkey this past week for dinner. He had told me he wanted to make one for Thanksgiving so we bought one when they were on sale and then let him go crazy.  He looked up recipes, watched many videos, and helped shop for all his ingredients.  He even tried out a dry brine the night before.  It turned out delicious!  I didn't take an after picture, but it was picture perfect.  Great job Joshua!

Stocked up for Winter

Our crew decided to try buying a forth of a cow this fall.  We picked it up this week and now have four crates of meat - mainly hamburger.  We are excited to see if it helps with meal planning as well as quick meals.  We will keep you posted...

Loving on Micah Shay

My best friend was blessed with a little girl Nov 22nd.  She is so sweet and little.  Her name is Micah Shay and she weighed 7lbs 7.5oz. and was 20.5 long. I enjoyed preparing her nursery for her arrival and am so thankful for her birth mother.  I can't wait to watch her grow up. 

Photoshoot with Lisa

This was such a fun day with Lisa!  She took pictures of just John and I, which was the first time in a really long time.  John has lost about 15 more pounds since these pictures, so we want to take more soon.  Maybe our whole family this time around.

Christmas Decorating

The kids were very excited this year to decorate for Christmas. We moved our tree to a different wall in the fam.ily room, which I really like!  We also put lights outside again, which I will have to photograph for you soon.  I love Christmas time!  The twinkling lights are my favorite in the evenings while we are hanging out together

Black Friday

Our Black Friday tradition changed a little this year.  Ashlyn and I usually go each year with Grandma Peggy, but because of her lung problems and the need for an oxygen tank, she skipped out this year.  On our way home from Grandma Sue's Thanksgiving dinner, we decided to take our whole family to the Walmart sale that started at 6 pm.  The boys have always wanted to see what Black Friday shopping looks like!  It was busy.  I think they enjoyed it, but wasn't too sure about the checkout line.  When we left there, John dropped Ashlyn and I off at Kohl's to stand in the line going in at 8 pm.  We loved Kohl's this year!  Bought most of our gifts there and had fun doing it!  He came and picked us up from there and we took them all back home along with our trunk load of goodies.  Then we headed for hot chocolate and hit more stores.  We went to Target, Best Buy, Sport's Authority, and JcPenney.  We got some great deals and it was...

Merry Christmas from The Maids


Thanksgiving 2013


Family Rules on the Stairs

I just bought a great oversized vinyl decal for my newly painted stairwell.  It goes wonderful with the new grey walls.  And it is HUGE!  About 3 1/2 feet tall.  I put it on the big wall you see as you walk down the stairs.  I think the kids will enjoy reading them everyday they go down to the car, play Wii, or enjoy TV downstairs :)  Because it was half off at Hobby Lobby, this great addition was only $18. Next project, adding the railing and picture collage...

A new stairwell

We finally did a trade for our stairwell this week.  A good friend who is a painter came and patched up all the holes in the wall, which were in abundant!  Then he painted it Network Grey, which I love!  Next up, painting trim, hanging a new vinyl decal and creating some new picture collages....