Caleb's concern for the Flamingo

Today after the kids finished schoolwork, we were able to join some school friends at the Kansas City Zoo. Today was 75 degrees, which is unheard of for November weather! And residents who live in KC limits, which we do, are able to get in the zoo for free for the months of Oct and Nov. That saved us $50 :) So we headed off to the zoo with our proof of residency, water, and camera. We hadn't been to the zoo for 5 years and we were happy to see some of the changes we saw. It was much better. They had added a sky lift, children's area, and cool kangaroo area that the kids loved. So off the funny story of the day...

When we got to the flamingos, we hung out there for a little while so our friends could get some good pictures of the flamingos for their 1st grade animal research project. While we were standing there, Caleb really was observing them. After about 5 minutes, he said, "Mom, I feel so bad for some of the flamingos" in a very sincere voice. "Some of the birds are missing a leg! That must be so hard for them." I noticed right away what he had seen. Some of the flamingos were sleeping and were balanced on only one leg. He thought that their other leg was missing. We all laughed and then watched them a while longer to see just how flexible their legs are. He laughed the most when he realized that they were just tucked up there. It was funny enough to share. I hope to post some zoo pics in the morning...


A said…
That is precious!!! That is the animal Josie chose for her project!

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