Everyone's Ryan

We are a family that uses middle names to really get attentions around here. If I say, "Ashlyn Diane," Ashlyn is pretty certain to finish whatever follows her full name. I am not sure if obedience necessarily comes with age and consistency or just consistency, but I have sure seen age play a part. Both Ashlyn and Joshua were about 4 when obedience became something I could actually see regularly. So, that brings me to Caleb. He is 4 1/2 and not quite into obeying still. Well, I had to crack up the other day when Jonathan was yelling at Joshua, "Wa Wa Ryan!" Stop!" And then Caleb was shouting "Ashlyn Ryan now." Do you see the theme of our house lately? Caleb's middle name is Ryan and because it is being said so much more again, everyone believes Ryan means serious stuff even though that is not their name! At least Jonathan and Caleb....


Lori said…
That is hilarious!
Unknown said…
This is really funny! Both Rylee and I laughed out loud :)
Dawn said…
That is absolutely adorable! I love it when kids do stuff like that! It makes you step back and not take life so seriously for a minute.
Anonymous said…
Hey Deanna - I've still been keeping up with you guys through your blog & of course love to read things about Caleb! This is so cute! I hope you guys are doing well! Catherine

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