We are Home!

So we are back from our 6 day trip to Colorado. We enjoyed seeing family, cousins, and some friends while we were there. We had great weather and even found 2 CO letterboxes while we there. Unfortunately, John was sick the first half and Caleb the second half of the trip - but things are getting better already. We will be posting some fun pictures we took while we there soon. Sorry for any bloggers who check this one daily - we had a small utube problem while we were gone and we had a video I tried to post last Tuesday appear 3 times on Friday for some strange reason. Thanks to A for logging on and fixing that while we were gone :) Oh, the really exciting news - Jonathan started crawling while we were there (more like scooting), and I am so proud of him!

FYI - when going on a week long vacation, have a friend or family member take the garbage out to the curb on trash day!!! Thanks for the Wallflowers plug-in Adrienne, we started using that thing as soon as we walked in!


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