Gotta Love Doctors

So two weeks ago I went to the ob after an unexpected hospital visit with pre-term contractions. They did a sonogram to check for funneling and to verify that my cervix was still closed. The sonogram showed the baby was measuring about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I told them I tend to have big babies and they sent me home on limited activity (to help slow down the contractions) and didn't seem too worried about the size, said we would keep the due date as is.

Well, I went back this week and found that in 2 weeks, my contractions have really improved (very exciting!), I have gained about 12 pounds, and now the baby is 3 1/2 weeks too big! It was crazy. They are worried that baby is growing too fast and too big now and are already talking about another sonogram and inducing me early! Crazy how they were just wanting to keep it in to get it bigger, and now talking about inducing. I did do the glucose test that day and they said if that result is positive and I have gestational diabetes, that would explain a lot. They would change my diet and a few other things after an extensive three hour lab deal! If it comes back negative then they will diagnose me with macrosomia - basically large for gestational age and a baby in the 90th percentile when born, and most likely will be induced around 37 weeks. I'll keep you all posted on the results. I have never had a positive test before, but my sister had it with both her pregnancies. I'll get my results this next week and hopefully can avoid the 3 hours test altogether!

Maybe when this is all said and done, I will be diagnosed with every possible problem during pregnancy! Just kidding!


Hoban Family said…
I have also failed the glucose test and that 3 hour test is so boring and you have to have your blood drawn 4 times! YUCK! Good luck and we'll be thinking of you
Anonymous said…
you'll be fine! hey, its' better than spending 7 weeks in the hospital on bedrest. :-) it's all worth it though for a healthy baby. it'll be fine. :-)

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