
Showing posts from September, 2019

Family Room Refresh

 We decided to paint our family room again, this time from a tan color to a light grey. We're excited to lighten up the place a bit...


 Apparently the new fad is making an emoji that looks like you. They are called miemojies. Here are ours.

Family day at Truman

 We got to visit Ashlyn this weekend for Family Day. Caleb had to work so John skipped too to stay home with him and drive him back and forth. We missed them both, but loved seeing Ashlyn in person again. We went to a craft festival on the square, hiking at Thousand Hills State Park and did some activities on campus. Ashlyn found the perfect shirt for her. Enjoy these few pics we got of the occasion...

Bear's new room

  Bear has loved using Ashlyn's room for her nap schedule. She often sneaks in there after her breakfast and then ends up there after dinner. We miss Ashlyn, but am so thankful her room doesn't sit empty each day!

PH Swim Team

 Joshua is excited to swim once again on the Swim team this year. It looks like he will be swimming in Varsity meets this year instead of JV. We are very proud him and all the improvement in times he gets each meet.

Homecoming Date

 Caleb was brave today and asked his friend Ainsley to Homecoming. He made a poster that said "It would be his pleasure to take her to Homecoming" mainly because all he does is talk about CFA at school. She said yes, and he's very excited!

Bear's love for mom

Why sleep in my bed when I can sleep even closer to my mom's bed?