Still on cloud 9

Sorry for the lack of blog posts this week...we are still adjusting to being back home. It's funny how I forgot how little time I have here and how little I see get accomplished each day. We are so glad to be back to what seems like a "normal" schedule now, but still want to be lazy. It might be that the Olympics have had our nightly attention and that's when I can "catch up" a bit. Haven't the games been amazing! We enjoyed them in Hawaii as well as here. I really do miss being an athlete and being in shape (like the old days)...maybe Wii Fit can push me over the edge and actually get me some muscle back! We are in the planning stages for next fall this week to. Trying to decide if we should send Caleb to our private school for K or the public school by our house that would help with his speech. In the process of that decision, I have started schooling him a bit and have enjoyed that time too. He is really smart! It's so hard when he knows...