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Lost and Found

Isn't it funny how things get lost around your house and the list of missing items just continues to grow, until one day all of a sudden most of the turn up at the same time? We are in one of those moments where the list continues to grow! I just about had a nervous breakdown yesterday when my car key was added to that list. It is actually a Maids key (single key not on a key ring) that goes to John's work van I am driving. The last time I remember seeing it was in the microwave on the phone with Allison yesterday (Yes, I know the microwave is not a safe place for a key...this is how Caleb tried to get my attention when I was on the phone I think - he never pushed any buttons!) He put it back on the island where it was supposed to stay until we had to leave for a 5:00 was missing when we went to leave of course and it is the only copy we had here.

So I have the World's Greatest mother-in-law who was willing to come up here and help move all the carseats into her car to make my appointment....and yes, the appointment was a gift she gave me, one of the best gifts I have ever received, a 1 hour massage to relieve some stress from this past week. What a blessing she is in my life. So we made the appointment, I definitely needed and just loved, and John brought us home another copy of the key when he picked us all up. So today, we are looking for the following 3 items systematically:

my car key
Nick Jr DVD (missing since CO trip..possibly in CO?)
One of Ashlyn's new black dress shoes for school

We are doing all this with 3 sick little boys and one very relaxed mother! We hope to at least find one today or pray for the day that all 3 just turn up!


Anonymous said…
yes that was hilarious! i was like "did she just say key & microwave in the same sentence??" i just love your family dearly!
Al said…
I can't find two of my favorite shirts. A little help here would be nice...