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A Natural

Nothing like an entire preschool class bowling together!
Caleb did great and had a blast - we'll have to try a family bowling night out soon!


A said…
how fun!!! did i miss something i was supposed to be at???
Hanson Crew said…
Nope- Mrs. Taylor's class was invited to a b-day party this weekend and most of the class came. We did a pumpkin patch field trip too I guess in Oct, but I didn't go. We have the social moms in our class I guess :) How are you feeling???
Hanson Crew said…
Nope- Mrs. Taylor's class was invited to a b-day party this weekend and most of the class came. We did a pumpkin patch field trip too I guess in Oct, but I didn't go. We have the social moms in our class I guess :) How are you feeling???
Jamie said…
Wow! A bunch of preschoolers bowling would be quite the event!! How fun! Bowling is one of our families VERY favorite things to do! Even Aaron likes to give the ball a push, although sometimes he thinks he's playing soccer and tries to kick it down the lane! We just put up the bumpers and let the kids have FUN!
A said…
Okay - I thought I blew it! How fun for all of them! I'm pretty miserable - they think i'm in so much pain in my upper stomach because the baby may have cracked a rib...nice, :-). It's all worth it though, I know!!!
Dawn said…
My girls LOVE to go bowling! The picture with his hands on his hips is just too cute!