An unexpected surprise

We were scheduled to leave Maui Sunday night at 11:30 pm. We were going to take a Red Eye flight to Denver and then catch a flight to KC to be home Monday around noon. We knew we would have some jet lag because there was a 4 hour time difference (earlier) in Hawaii, but figured we would take a bunch of Benedryl and try to sleep on the plane.

When we got the airport around nine, we were told they might be canceling our flight, United 92 (yes the same flight that crashed on 911). But they weren't sure yet. After about an hour, it was official, but we weren't sure if the cancellation was due to snow in Denver or airplane related. So we waited and about midnight, they confirmed that the airplane was broken and that they would cover costs for hotel, transportation, and meals since it was their fault. If it had been weather related, we would have slept in the airport and hoped for another flight the next night.

Thankfully after 2 hours of unorganized lines and confusion, we were on our way to an area on Maui we stayed at 12 years ago on our honeymoon. The resort was beautiful and we were able to stay their on the property all day until our flight at 10 pm. We slept by the pool, walked down to a shopping area, and ate some meals. Unfortunately, our travel plans back changed for the worse and we flew into San Fransisco from Maui. Then we had a layover and flew to Denver. Then another layover, and a flight back to KC. Total travel time this round was about 20 hours!!! But we did get a free day in Hawaii and free tickets for our next trip ;0) - they were very generous.

We loved our time there! We have enough pictures for a slide show I think....We missed the kids, but really enjoyed our time alone. We look forward to some family trips like these when they are older...I am typing this in Denver, while I catch up on email. We hope to be home by dinner and hopefully can sleep some today. Check back in the next few days for the slide show...we loved having a nice camera this time in Hawaii - especially on the Road to Hana and the volcano sunset. Aloha!


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