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SPAOC begins

So I am finding how difficult it is to update this blog this summer. I am not sure why, but it seems I am lacking in lacking in computer time, which I actually kinda like. I am finally starting to make my yearly blog books which gets me more excited about writing each day on here. It has been fun to go back over the past 5 years and re-read some of the things my kids have said.

So here is my attempt at keeping this updated through the summer. I am going to post some SPAOC posts. These are photo posts showing you a Sneak Peak At Our Crew. These are going to be a photo captured at any time of the day (hopefully each day). They could be funny, serious, or just some random thing we are doing that day. I hope you enjoy the first one...

We are reading ALOT this summer and trying to finish the summer reading program early like Ashlyn did!
